Friday, 28 March 2014

Oh Laura, Where Art Thou?

Laura did not come home last night.

I waited and I waited but she did not come.

I knew something was up when she started packing all of those bags.  I knew I should not have let her go.

I lay in front of the door so she could not leave.

I lay on top of her shoes so she could not put them on.

But Laura made me move and she left anyway. :(


I've been a good girl.

I always help Laura to do her yoga.

I take her outside to play every day.

And when she doesn't want to go outside (people are funny like that sometimes) I play with her in the house.

I always try to make Laura laugh.  And I'm good at it too!

I am good company.

So why would Laura leave me?

Please come back to me Laura.  I miss you.

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