Monday, 31 March 2014

Laura Came Back!

Laura came home to me last night, just like she promised she would!

Happy dance!

Laura didn't bring me home any cats.  But she did say that, since I was such a good girl and did such a good job keeping our bed warm and looking after my Mum and Dad while she was gone, she would talk to the nice people at CK Animal Rescue about getting a new puppy friend to come and play with me for a while!

I am so excited!  When I get a new puppy friend I am going to teach her or him all of my fun games!  Until then, I am just going to be happy that my favourite friend of all is back home where she belongs.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

She Who Has the Most Fun with Toys

Laura has still not come home.

She's been gone for two days now!  That is a very long time.  Laura is never gone for so long.  I don't understand what is happening.

My Mum said not to worry and that Laura would come back.  But when?  When will she be back?

No one will tell me for certain, but I heard a rumour that Laura might be sleeping with these guys now:

Laura wouldn't leave me for a pair of cats. Would she? I mean, I'm sure they are nice cats and all. And there are two of them, and I'm only one Shelby. But I am FUN! And I'm Laura's girl. Laura said I was her girl. She said I could stay with her always.

But those cats look like they might be fun too.  I wouldn't mind having a nice pair of cats to play with myself.

Hey!  Do you think Laura might be gone so long because she has gone to fetch those cats to bring them home for me?  Laura likes to give me new toys to play with!  I made sure she would by always appreciating the toys she gives me.  Like this giraffe:

That giraffe was the first toy my friend Laura ever gave to me.  It was pretty funny looking for a giraffe.  But I loved it because Laura gave it to me, and I played with it right away.  I played and played with that giraffe.  I even made it fly:

Sadly, the giraffe got worn out and cannot be played with anymore.  But I bet a nice pair of cats would be fun to play with.  I bet I could make those cats fly!

Laura, hurry home soon!

Friday, 28 March 2014

Oh Laura, Where Art Thou?

Laura did not come home last night.

I waited and I waited but she did not come.

I knew something was up when she started packing all of those bags.  I knew I should not have let her go.

I lay in front of the door so she could not leave.

I lay on top of her shoes so she could not put them on.

But Laura made me move and she left anyway. :(


I've been a good girl.

I always help Laura to do her yoga.

I take her outside to play every day.

And when she doesn't want to go outside (people are funny like that sometimes) I play with her in the house.

I always try to make Laura laugh.  And I'm good at it too!

I am good company.

So why would Laura leave me?

Please come back to me Laura.  I miss you.